There was much anticipation going into Fury Road as the Adrenaline Cup tournament came to a conclusion as finalists Ben Jones and Sir Ryan Matthews battled it out. Heading into the match, Jones had two victories over Matthews from previous tag team matches this year and this may have given him a slight edge. The two gave it their all and provided an entertaining main event to the Bury St Edmunds crowd, and it seemed certain that Jones was going to take the cup when he locked Matthews in a tightly applied full nelson hold. Matthews struggled and looked to be on the verge of tapping out but then something happened to catch Ben Jones off guard.
As Matthews was close to giving up, Lord Steven Farrell ran out to the ring and climbed up on the apron and got the referee's attention. As the referee demanded that Farrell leave, Ben Jones let go of the full nelson and confronted Farrell. Jones chased Farrell around the ring until referee Cody got between them and ordered Farrell to the back. However, as Cody was keeping Jones back, Farrell slipped a pair of brass knuckles into the ring which Sir Ryan picked up. Jones entered the ring and as Referee Cody was ensuring Lord Farrell left, Matthews nailed Jones with the knuckles and slipped them in to his tights. The crowd made their feelings known about the incident as Cody returned to the ring and make the three count meaning Sir Ryan Matthews had cheated his way to win the cup.
Lord Farrell returned to celebrate with Sir Ryan and fellow Farrell Family members Brad O'Brien and the Wylde Kings quickly joined them in the ring. It was clear that Sir Ryan had just been revealed as the newest member of the group - this made sense as to why Farrell had watched Ryan in action a couple of months ago in Ipswich, and then later had a stare down with him, it was all part of the scouting process.
The five men then started to continue an assault on Ben Jones until Director of Authority Banker Marc Lloyd ran out with Danny Darko, Dillon Slade and Sunset Skip. The ring was cleared with Banker downing Farrell with his brief case sending the Family to the entrance way. Marc Lloyd then dropped a bombshell announcement that he was resigning as the Director of Authority. However, before doing so he had reinstated himself back to the active roster of DOA. He added that prior to quitting he had also signed some matches for the upcoming 10 year anniversary show in Great Yarmouth on the 7th October. Lloyd stated that Lord Steven Farrell would go one on one with Sunset Skip after the interaction earlier in the night. In addition he stated that that Wylde Kings would defend the tag team championships against Danny Darko, who would team with Dillon Slade - a man who has his own history with the Family. The Banker added that due to his actions this evening, Sir Ryan Matthews would be banned from the show, something which the Adrenaline cup winner was less than impressed with.
The Banker saved the best until last though. He went onto state that he would be having his first match back as an active wrestler and he would be facing Brad O'Brien. The Banker still clearly remembers that O'Brien attacked him with the Social Media Championship on his return in Ipswich two months ago. O'Brien was furious and it ended what had been a rather good night for him when he had earlier defeated Sunset Skip to win the Go for Glory briefcase with thanks to Lord Steven Farrell causing a distraction allowing him to low blow Skip and roll him up. This was O'Brien's first match since he returned from injury and he only managed to get Skip to put the briefcase on the line by putting the Social Media championship up for grabs - something Skip is so desperate to get back and rename the Pan Arabian Championship. Regardless, Brad O'Brien now has the briefcase and can use it to cash in on any DOA Championship at any time.
The Wylde Kings had also been on cloud nine earlier in the evening when they overcame not one but two teams to successfully defend the DOA tag tam championships. Rexx Wylde and Sullivan King had to face Danny Darko who was teaming with AJ Boogie Benjamin, a man who was still getting over losing the Adrenaline championship at Beach Ball Mania last month, and the BattleKats - Eli and Sam. There were times when this one was close to call with some near falls but Wylde and King scraped through again to retain. However, how will they fare when they come up against Darko yet again and the excitable Dillon Slade at the anniversary show?
It is no secret that since back in May, Slade has been attempting to become a member of the Farrell Family but he has not been accepted. Even after defeating Lord Steven himself last month, it was still not enough. At Fury Road, Dillon Slade told Farrell and O'Brien backstage that he would finally prove himself and bring the Pandemonium championship back to the family. Slade battled new champion Jack E Hyde who was making his first title defense. The unique stipulation here was that the loser would wear a shark costume for the rest of the year - the very same costume Slade wore at Beach Ball Mania which resulted in Farrell calling him an embarrassment.
Jack E Hyde is usually a man who plays by the rules but he defeated Slade in quite controversial fashion. After fighting on the outside, Slade made his way back into the ring but Hyde kicked the ropes which hit Slade just where it hurts. He then hit a stunner and placed his feet on the ropes for leverage to pin Dillon and retain the championship - something the crowd did not appear to appreciate. After the match Dillon Slade put on the shark costume and looked deflated as Lord Farrell said he was cutting him loose and there were better options for the Family - something we later found out when Sir Ryan Matthews joined.
Leia Elise has been unstoppable during her second run as DOA Women's champion and Fury Road was no different. The next challenger to step up was a newcomer to DOA in the form of the Colchester Cowgirl Charlotte Madison. Despite giving it her best shot, Madison was unable to overcome the shear domination of Elise who locked her in the Gridle submission hold and made her tap out. It was yet another victory for the women's champion - who can possibly step up and take the belt?
Cali Grey pulled off a shock victory at Beach Ball Mania when he won the Adrenaline Championship from AJ Boogie in a mixed tag team match without actually pinning AJ. Grey was full of confidence as he made his first defense of the title against Ty Hazard, a hot prospect who has not been getting the results he had hoped for recently. These two produced a match that represented the exciting Adrenaline Division and there was another shock result. Despite Grey kicking out of the Cut Off and Brain Splitter, Ty Hazard finally kept him down for the three with a dragon suplex. Most fans cheered whilst others were stunned as Ty Hazard became the new Adrenaline Champion. Cali Grey later vowed to take the title back and former champion Boogie Benjamin had a bit of a stare down backstage with Hazard, who showed off his newly won belt to the former champion.
Meanwhile, Following his loss to Big Joe last month, it was vital that former Heavyweight Champion Brett Semtex got back to winning ways. Semtex did not have it easy though as he came up against veteran Mike Bird who had a point to prove to the DOA fans. This was an action packed match which Semtex came through unscathed after downing Bird with an F5 and pinning him. This was a vital victory for Semtex ahead of his rematch for the title in three weeks at the 10 year anniversary show.
Match Results
Brett Semtex def. Mike Bird
Ty Hazard def. Cali Grey to win the Adrenaline Championship
Jack E Hyde def. Dillon Slade to retain the Pandamoium title
Brad O'Brien def. Sunset Skip to win the Go 4 Glory Briefcase
The Wylde Kings def. Danny Darko & AJ Boogie Benjamen and The Battlekats to retain the titles
Leia Elise def. Charlotte Madison to retain the Womens championship
Sir Ryan Matthews def. Ben Jones to win the Adranline Cup
As Matthews was close to giving up, Lord Steven Farrell ran out to the ring and climbed up on the apron and got the referee's attention. As the referee demanded that Farrell leave, Ben Jones let go of the full nelson and confronted Farrell. Jones chased Farrell around the ring until referee Cody got between them and ordered Farrell to the back. However, as Cody was keeping Jones back, Farrell slipped a pair of brass knuckles into the ring which Sir Ryan picked up. Jones entered the ring and as Referee Cody was ensuring Lord Farrell left, Matthews nailed Jones with the knuckles and slipped them in to his tights. The crowd made their feelings known about the incident as Cody returned to the ring and make the three count meaning Sir Ryan Matthews had cheated his way to win the cup.
Lord Farrell returned to celebrate with Sir Ryan and fellow Farrell Family members Brad O'Brien and the Wylde Kings quickly joined them in the ring. It was clear that Sir Ryan had just been revealed as the newest member of the group - this made sense as to why Farrell had watched Ryan in action a couple of months ago in Ipswich, and then later had a stare down with him, it was all part of the scouting process.
The five men then started to continue an assault on Ben Jones until Director of Authority Banker Marc Lloyd ran out with Danny Darko, Dillon Slade and Sunset Skip. The ring was cleared with Banker downing Farrell with his brief case sending the Family to the entrance way. Marc Lloyd then dropped a bombshell announcement that he was resigning as the Director of Authority. However, before doing so he had reinstated himself back to the active roster of DOA. He added that prior to quitting he had also signed some matches for the upcoming 10 year anniversary show in Great Yarmouth on the 7th October. Lloyd stated that Lord Steven Farrell would go one on one with Sunset Skip after the interaction earlier in the night. In addition he stated that that Wylde Kings would defend the tag team championships against Danny Darko, who would team with Dillon Slade - a man who has his own history with the Family. The Banker added that due to his actions this evening, Sir Ryan Matthews would be banned from the show, something which the Adrenaline cup winner was less than impressed with.
The Banker saved the best until last though. He went onto state that he would be having his first match back as an active wrestler and he would be facing Brad O'Brien. The Banker still clearly remembers that O'Brien attacked him with the Social Media Championship on his return in Ipswich two months ago. O'Brien was furious and it ended what had been a rather good night for him when he had earlier defeated Sunset Skip to win the Go for Glory briefcase with thanks to Lord Steven Farrell causing a distraction allowing him to low blow Skip and roll him up. This was O'Brien's first match since he returned from injury and he only managed to get Skip to put the briefcase on the line by putting the Social Media championship up for grabs - something Skip is so desperate to get back and rename the Pan Arabian Championship. Regardless, Brad O'Brien now has the briefcase and can use it to cash in on any DOA Championship at any time.
The Wylde Kings had also been on cloud nine earlier in the evening when they overcame not one but two teams to successfully defend the DOA tag tam championships. Rexx Wylde and Sullivan King had to face Danny Darko who was teaming with AJ Boogie Benjamin, a man who was still getting over losing the Adrenaline championship at Beach Ball Mania last month, and the BattleKats - Eli and Sam. There were times when this one was close to call with some near falls but Wylde and King scraped through again to retain. However, how will they fare when they come up against Darko yet again and the excitable Dillon Slade at the anniversary show?
It is no secret that since back in May, Slade has been attempting to become a member of the Farrell Family but he has not been accepted. Even after defeating Lord Steven himself last month, it was still not enough. At Fury Road, Dillon Slade told Farrell and O'Brien backstage that he would finally prove himself and bring the Pandemonium championship back to the family. Slade battled new champion Jack E Hyde who was making his first title defense. The unique stipulation here was that the loser would wear a shark costume for the rest of the year - the very same costume Slade wore at Beach Ball Mania which resulted in Farrell calling him an embarrassment.
Jack E Hyde is usually a man who plays by the rules but he defeated Slade in quite controversial fashion. After fighting on the outside, Slade made his way back into the ring but Hyde kicked the ropes which hit Slade just where it hurts. He then hit a stunner and placed his feet on the ropes for leverage to pin Dillon and retain the championship - something the crowd did not appear to appreciate. After the match Dillon Slade put on the shark costume and looked deflated as Lord Farrell said he was cutting him loose and there were better options for the Family - something we later found out when Sir Ryan Matthews joined.
Leia Elise has been unstoppable during her second run as DOA Women's champion and Fury Road was no different. The next challenger to step up was a newcomer to DOA in the form of the Colchester Cowgirl Charlotte Madison. Despite giving it her best shot, Madison was unable to overcome the shear domination of Elise who locked her in the Gridle submission hold and made her tap out. It was yet another victory for the women's champion - who can possibly step up and take the belt?
Cali Grey pulled off a shock victory at Beach Ball Mania when he won the Adrenaline Championship from AJ Boogie in a mixed tag team match without actually pinning AJ. Grey was full of confidence as he made his first defense of the title against Ty Hazard, a hot prospect who has not been getting the results he had hoped for recently. These two produced a match that represented the exciting Adrenaline Division and there was another shock result. Despite Grey kicking out of the Cut Off and Brain Splitter, Ty Hazard finally kept him down for the three with a dragon suplex. Most fans cheered whilst others were stunned as Ty Hazard became the new Adrenaline Champion. Cali Grey later vowed to take the title back and former champion Boogie Benjamin had a bit of a stare down backstage with Hazard, who showed off his newly won belt to the former champion.
Meanwhile, Following his loss to Big Joe last month, it was vital that former Heavyweight Champion Brett Semtex got back to winning ways. Semtex did not have it easy though as he came up against veteran Mike Bird who had a point to prove to the DOA fans. This was an action packed match which Semtex came through unscathed after downing Bird with an F5 and pinning him. This was a vital victory for Semtex ahead of his rematch for the title in three weeks at the 10 year anniversary show.
Match Results
Brett Semtex def. Mike Bird
Ty Hazard def. Cali Grey to win the Adrenaline Championship
Jack E Hyde def. Dillon Slade to retain the Pandamoium title
Brad O'Brien def. Sunset Skip to win the Go 4 Glory Briefcase
The Wylde Kings def. Danny Darko & AJ Boogie Benjamen and The Battlekats to retain the titles
Leia Elise def. Charlotte Madison to retain the Womens championship
Sir Ryan Matthews def. Ben Jones to win the Adranline Cup