After nearly two years away from the ring, 'The Banker' Marc Lloyd made a triumphant return with victory over Brad O'Brien in front of a packed Drill House in Great Yarmouth. This big main event was personal as Lloyd wanted revenge on O'Brien after the attack a few months back in Ipswich when O'Brien returned from injury and nailed Lloyd with the Social Media Championship belt. The Banker had personally signed this match prior to quitting as Director of Authority last month so that he could pursue getting even with O'Brien.
At the start of the show Brad O'Brien entered the building and came face to face with Peter Nixon, the man who had been tasked with being the special guest referee. Nixon had clearly not forgotten the sneak attack carried out by Brad at his retirement show back in March and O'Brien knew that. After a brief stare down, O'Brien walked away but seemed full of confidence ahead of the main event match as he went face to face with the Banker in a pre match interview with AK. In that interview, Banker vowed to bring an end to Brad's reign of terror, a reference to the antics over this year of Brad and the entire Farrell family.
Once the talking had been done, Banker and O'Brien went one on one with Peter Nixon the special guest referee. Banker wasted no time and immediately through his briefcase at the face of Brad O'Brien who rolled to the outside to be consoled by Lord Steven Farrell who was at ringside with him. After the earlier actions of the Farrell Family, Nixon used his authority as referee to send Farrell to the back which made it an even playing field. An entertaining match then followed and O'Brien looked to capitalise on the fact Banker had not been in the ring for nearly two years. However, it did not go to plan despite there being a moment when Peter Nixon was taking out, Lloyd hit back and overcame the odds and beat O'Brien after introducing him to his boot as previously promised. It was the perfect come back for the Banker, but as for Brad O'Brien, he still has the Go 4 Glory briefcase which he can cash in for any championship at anytime.
The Adrenaline championship has been subject to much change over the last couple of months. First of all Cali Grey won the championship from AJ Boogie Benjamin in a mixed tag team match without pinning him, but then he lost it in his first title defense against Ty Hazard last month in Bury St Edmunds. Therefore the triple threat match between the three at the anniversary was always going to get the fans excited. Prior to the match Ty Hazard dismissed claims that the belt could be cursed when it was suggested by interviewer AK, however his mind may have been changed come the end of the match. The three men put their body on the line to deliver a fast paced high flying match which enthralled the fans. It looked like Cali Grey was about to take the championship back when he dumped Ty on his head, however Boogie had climbed to the top rope and hit his trademark splash to break up the pin. He sent Grey packing and then quickly covered Ty and scored a three count. The crowd erupted as Benjamin became the first ever two time Adrenaline champion!
In another match that was signed by 'Banker' Marc Lloyd in his final act as Director of Authority, The Wylde Kings defended the tag team championships against Danny Darko and Dillon Slade. Slade was keen to proof himself to everyone after being rejected by the Farrell Family and Darko was the perfect person to have by his side. The Wylde Kings used their brute force to beat down on Slade but the tables were turned when he managed to get the tag to Darko and run riot. In a rather strange moment, Darko ended up wearing Slade's shark costume and hitting a big splash from off Slade's shoulders on to Rexx Wylde. The Drill Hall erupted as Danny Darko and Dillon Slade became the new tag team champions - a team we did not ask for but we are sure happy we got!
Everything was on the line as Lord Steven Farrell defended Brad O'Brien's social media championship against Sunset Skip who was putting his DOA career on the line. Despite Farrell starting the match with a sneak attack, Skip battled back for a chunk of the match until Farrell targeted his leg for the figure four. When Sunset Skip was able to fight back, Farrell ended up pulling referee Cody in front of him on a splash meaning there was no referee. First of all Brad O'Brien hit the ring and attempted to nail Skip with his Go 4 Glory briefcase but he was downed with a bionic elbow. The Wylde Kings ran in and were about to double powerbomb Skip until Darko and Slade the new tag team champions ran out and chased them backstage. Skip went up top but Brad O'Brien who had stayed ringside nailed him with the briefcase allowing Farrell to then hit him with the belt. Referee Cody made a count but to everyone's surprise Skip managed to kick out before 3. With Cody still only half with it, Farrell picked the belt back up and after a pause when Skip seemed to accept his fate, The Lord downed him again and this time got the three count.
It was all over for Sunset Skip in DOA as he received a loud show of appreciation from the fans. A bit later, AK caught up with Skip for a brief interview. Skip's mood was somber as he thanked everyone for his time in DOA and stated he would now ride off into the sunset.
DOA Women's champion Leia Elise has been unstoppable recently and Mia Cortez was the next challenger to try and knock her off her throne at the top of the division. Cortez gave it her best shot and looked to take every available opportunity but yet again Elise was too powerful. As we have seen on so many occasions, she found a way to lock Cortez into her girdle submission hold. Despite Cortez trying to hang on for as long as possible, the pain was too much and she tapped out, as Elise again retained the championship.
Before the match had started, AK grabbed a few words with British Legend Hot Stuff who is the father of Leia Elise and he said he was there supporting her. Her entrance music cut him off and she started shouting at him claiming the spotlight was hers now and she was better than he ever was. After winning the match, Elise snubbed Hot Stuff and walked right past him which left him feeling a bit rejected by his daughter.
Since losing the DOA Heavyweight Championship, Brett Semtex has been on a mission to climb back up the ladder. He had been scheduled to have his rematch with Big Joe at this event but due to Big Joe competing in the United States, it has been rescheduled. Instead, Semtex had the chance to get further momentum after his victory over Mike Bird last month as he faced the powerhouse Blake. Blake was making his first appearance in DOA after a couple of years away - in his previous appearance he defeated two former DOA heavyweight champions and was now looking to make Semtex a third. He looked in a good position to do so when he lifted Semtex up high for a powerbomb, but Semtex managed to roll down his back and down him with a spear which was followed up by a three count. It was another victory for Semtex going into his Heavyweight championship rematch. Afterwards, he showed respect to Blake and offered a handshake which was accepted. The pair embraced but then Blake suddenly kicked Semtex in the lower regions much to the dismay of the Yarmouth fans. He walked out with his head held high leaving Semtex down in pain. This surely must be a distraction for Brett as he goes into his heavyweight title rematch?
DOA founder Alec Burnitt who was the MC for the evening, took the opportunity to thank the DOA fans for the support over the past ten years. As he was saying his thank you messages, he was interrupted by Sam Santari who has not been seen in DOA for over a year. Sam complained to Burnitt about not being on DOA shows and then pushed Burnitt into the corner and started to throttle him. He then started to order Burnitt to personally apologise to him. Burnitt took his jacket off and seemed keen to fight back against Santari but then told him that you dont go ten years without making any friends. Fan favorite Hex then made his way out and downed Sam Santari with a big chokeslam as the crowd cheered on.
After his out of character actions last month at Fury Road in Bury St Edmunds, Jack E Hyde was back to defend his pandemonium championship. He went up against Villman in a match where one of the competitors had to remove the others mask in order to win. There were some close calls in this one but eventually it was Hyde who was able to remove Villman's mask to retain his championship. After so many years in wrestling, Villman's face was finally seen as he stood in the ring after the match almost in shock at what had just happened. As for Hyde, he has now made two successful title defenses and will be waiting on what comes next.
Match Results
Danny Darko and Dillon Slade def. The Wylde Kings for the DOA tag team championships
Leia Elise def. Mia Cortez to retain the DOA Women's Championship
AJ Boogie Benjamen def. Ty Hazard & Cali Grey for the Adrenaline Division Championship
Lord Steven Farrell def. Sunset Skip
Brett Semtex def. Blake
Jack E Hyde def. Villman to retain the Pandemonium title
'The Banker' Marc Lloyd def. Brad O'Brien
Photograph with thanks to Mark Ashley Films